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World-Tour | OUR LIFE CHANGING 2017

At the beginning of 2017 we both quit our "real jobs" and decided to start living life from what fills our SOUL with the most JOY!


We boiled it down to 3 things:

1) Helping people in any way we can

2) Sharing our experiences in this life as to find more common ground with all humans

3) Traveling to different places to see how everyone else is doing it!

In short we found what is TRUE 4 US and decided to be people who spread as much love as we can with everyone we come in contact with!

We love offering a different perspective that maybe you either didn't consider or simply have never actually seen. (Hence the vlogs lol)

WE ARE NOT FILTHY RICH! (or even close)

In fact we are very frugal and only work as much as we need to. We worked hard to set it up this way. We had to let a lot of things go.

Literally and figuratively.

This "letting go" allows us to live the life we want and focus on what truly is important to us (See those 3 things listed above).


In our travels we have seen and done so much and we do it all on a shoestring budget!

We get so many comments and messages about how we are able to do all this traveling and the truth is anyone can make this happen!

In total we spend about $2,000 USD per month (give or take) to travel and see parts of the world that are calling us and it has literally TRANSFORMED OUR LIFE FOREVER!!!

Especially towards the end of 2017, beginning of 2018...

Things have massively shifted!

From a spiritual awakening that we are sharing with the world, to going viral on almost every continent, to being contacted by major news outlets from across the globe!!!


See the first article that went globally viral here:

It's all still so surreal, but let us tell you, THIS IS REAL LIFE!!!

After our engagement in Paris September 2016, we started game planning our "exit strategy" from the "real world".

This lead to us spending 30 days in Thailand, re-visiting Southern California and our 2nd trip together back in Costa Rica! (This time on the Pacific Coast).

As lifetime New Jersey residents this was a totally world-shattering year we embarked upon! 2018 looks to be even more out of this WORLD so stay tuned!!!

We are so lucky and happy we are able to share this with all of you, it's literally a dream come true in every sense of the word.

We want you to know that miracles do happen everyday, small and large.

If you really believe, they will come. Often in the most unexpected ways. Check out where we have been so far by clicking the picture to travel along with us!!!

Please like and subscribe to get updates as the saga continues on!

With love and compassion,


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